
Brand strategy and visual identity for a global leader in online brand and IP protection.

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Counterfeiters are constantly finding new ways to threaten brand and IP online, with serious implications on brand value and reputation. Every business in any sector, from SMEs to global leaders, are realising the importance of online protection and eliminating infringement.

Incopro apply their areas of expertise – legal, technology & criminal intelligence – and employ cutting-edge machine learning and AI technology to uncover damaging threats. We were briefed to define a new brand strategy that would provide the foundations for their future growth, and to develop a visual identity that would communicate the innovation at the heart of their services.

Through multiple immersion sessions we gained a deep understanding of Incopro’s technologies, and further research and workshops uncovered their values, characteristics and USPs. A key differentiator was the multi-layered nature of their process, which in its simplest form could be described as – Collection, Clustering, Enforcement, Prioritisation, and Analytics.

We translated this into a concentric graphic device, composed of layers representing each step in their unique approach, that would form the basis for a visual identity system that would set them and their technologies apart from the competition.

What we did
Brand strategy
Visual identity
Brand guidelines
Print and digital design
Motion graphics

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